Just a short post this week to let you all know, that one of my images was found to be good enough to be included on another website. The website in question is DGM Optics who make the superb NPB filters that I use with my imaging. I am really pleased to say the least, that my image has been used. It makes the work you have to do, to get these images doubly rewarding.
Thanks to Dan McShane and the team at DGM Optics in the USA for all their assistance. By the way, I have no affiliation with DGM Optics apart from purchasing their excellent filters. I would highly recommend these filters as they are superb to use, especially in the UK, where conditions range from poor to mediocre. You will not be disappointed with the results at this incredible price tag.
Thanks for reading. My work is the first paragraph and photo. Here is the link : http://www.npbfilters.com/comments.htm